Sunday, February 13, 2011

You want to learn why Canadians say what the say, eh?

You came to the right place! First of all, a LOT of people think that EH is something we Canadians say every sentence but really,only some say it, and if they say eh, they will say it once or twice in a conversation. the word eh is a stand-in for right, it's used so the other person can agree with you. (example convo*) "Nice weather for winter, eh?" the other person will answer back "Yeah, it really warmed up nice. I was even able to continue my morning jog that I stopped doing at the end of November." so on and so forth, the rest of conversation would be with "normal" words. I think EH is on awesome word (I'm Candian, and its tottally in my dictionary/vocab!) I don't over use but its a LOT more expressive than saying, "nice weather for winter, RIGHT?" I hope this may have enlightened some of you who may not know how to use the word eh. PLease DO NOT over use it or you may sound very silly because CANADIANS DO NOT use it very often,UNLESS your explaining about it, like I am. By the way I think usage of the word eh is patriotic towards Canada, I'm so happy that I can use the word, and be proud of the fact that it's depicted as uniquely Canadian!


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